
Futó-triatlonversenyek, es egyéb sportesemények beszámolója testközelből.

Friss topikok

  • Niterider: Köszönet kedves Haile! HAJRÁ!!! (2012.11.16. 12:10) Normafa Terepfutás
  • drcs: Tamás! Az jo h meggyogyulás fele haladsz, gratula. Ez az esemeny nem ezt tamasztja alá. Olyan tem... (2012.07.11. 14:24) Balatonátúszás 2012
  • Niterider: @veresur: ez pontosan 10 perccel rosszabb ido mint az eddigi legjobbam, emiatt vagyok ki... (2011.06.15. 12:36) Kékes Csúcsfutás – 2011
  • Niterider: @Haile: Koszonet! Jovore majd te huzol engem!! @plussbirka: Az osszehasonlitast arra ertettem, h. ... (2011.05.12. 13:27) Borvidék Félmaraton – Szekszárd
  • bastya6: szasz Tomi, magam ugyan a labdakergetés szerelmével nem dicsekedhetek, de a futást, pláne a termé... (2009.05.28. 16:05) Sport és sérülés


Running up to Hungary highest point

2015.06.20. 06:08 :: Niterider

Decided to write this post in English to give an insight of a running race to my foreign friends. Hope you guys will enjoy it!!


This running race organized in the “Matra” mountains each year to run uphill to the highest point (1014 m/3327 ft) of Hungary above sea level called “Kekes”. The distance “only” 11.6 km (7.2 miles) long but the ascent is 671 meter (2201 ft). Weather conditions have been summery that is not too good for an event like that. The forecast stated 32 degrees C. (89.6 F)…

Under these weather conditions it’s very important to consume as much water as you can even a few days before the race to avoid dehydration. Also drank some iso drink but it’s better to do during the race to replace the lost minerals from your body. I’ve also taken a PowerGel Energy Gel right before the start that has the carbs and sodium of a sports drink in an easy-to-swallow gel that delivers convenient fuel to help optimize your performance.

The organizers estimated that more than 2000 runners will participate. I had planned to reach the finish line within 1 hour and 5 minutes and excitedly waited for the start shot. The race started at 12.45 PM, the hottest part of the day on the road that was burning like a stove! In my point of view the first few kilometers are for warming-up your body meaning not to run too fast to save some energy at the end. That was an easy-going three kilometers even some quick chat with other runners whom I haven’t seen for ages.

At the first refreshment point I quickly drank a glass of water and also poured some water to my head and into my baseball cap. I’m afraid there were no clouds in the sky and not any shadows to hide from the sunshine as well, but I continued my way forward on the serpentine road that was continuously ascending. Luckily the next refreshment point was quite close at 6km so I had a chance to get some iso drink along with some water. I felt the power inside me and had the stamina to keep the pace around 5.10 minutes/kilometer.

At the 8km point we reached a small village and had a right turn for the last 3.5km where the ascent of the road became even steeper. After having some refreshments I started running again, of course a little slower than previously due to the suddenly increased ascent. At least the foliage of trees gave some cover from the sunshine, therefore the temperature was much more bearable. I overtook some other runners at this stage of the race as I still had some power not to slow down completely as many others.

The last two kilometers had been really hard part especially the very last two hundred meters where the route joined in a skiing piste. I was finishing with a big smile on my face as the speaker welcomed me on the peak of the hill. My time was 1 hour 4 minutes within the planned one placing on 80th out of 1740!!


My significant other had waited for me at finish line holding an ice-cold-beer to replace the lost energy and celebrate the successful race. After drinking it we made our move running downhill: together this time throughout the forest…


Route and GPS info can be found HERE

Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: Mátra Kékes Mátraháza Mátrafüred 11.6km Uphill

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